Monday, May 4, 2015

Goldie's Birth Story

Here I am almost 8 months after my little guy was born and I realized I haven't written his birth story down anywhere. I am writing this for myself. So that I am able to look back and remember these special times without a fog in my memory.
On the morning of September 15th after a week of on and off contractions I went in for my weekly checkup. I knew that I wanted my doctor to sweep me to see if she could get things moving along and make my contractions start up for good. She said she would and also offered me a room in labor and delivery right then, but I wasn't quite ready to go in yet. I still needed to get a few things done at home and I wanted to get showered and enjoy a few more minutes with just one child. So she gave me a good sweep and I headed to Wal Mart to grab just a few more essential items that I knew I wouldn't have time to get after I had a new baby at home. That's where I noticed that the contractions were coming quite frequently. I ran into my mom who was also doing a little shopping and told her about my morning a little. I told her to be on call because I thought maybe today was the day. I headed home and started unloading the groceries from my car into my house. As I was carrying a gallon of milk into the house a contraction hit hard and I ended up dropping the gallon of milk in my garage and it broke all over the ground. I knew I needed to get it cleaned up so I just went and got the garden hose and sprayed it out. So much for that gallon of milk that I knew I would need in a few days. Oh well! Well I decided to give my kitchen a good clean and take a shower and get ready. I started timing the contractions and they seemed to be about 4-6 minutes apart. After I was all ready I decided it was time to get a move on things. So I headed out to my garage and broke out the treadmill. I walked and timed contractions for probably around an hour before I decided they were consistent enough to start to think about heading into the hospital. It was around noon or 12:30 in the afternoon now. I called Chase and told him it was time and that he probably better come home and we better head to the hospital. Then I called my mom and told her to come get Sage. My mom showed up while I was eating a bowl of cheerios. She thought I was crazy for eating, but I knew I could be in for a long afternoon of starving so even though it wasn't very appetizing I decided I had better eat something. She took Sage home with her. Sending Sage off in the car knowing our twosome would never be the same again was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I was choking back tears and trying to remind myself that she would love her brother and everything would be alright. When Chase got home he said he was hungry so we ran to Carls Jr. to grab him some lunch and then headed to the hospital. We got all checked in and settled and I had dilated to a 5 1/2 so they decided to keep me. I had decided I wanted to try to have a natural delivery with no medicine at all. So I figured the best way to do that would be to keep up and moving while I was laboring. So I would get up and walk for an hour and then I would have to meet my nurse back in my room to get monitored for a few minutes to make sure everything was going well and then I would get back up and walk again. Chase was a trooper because I know how boring walking around the halls probably was for him, but he didn't complain and he even played along with my games to keep myself preoccupied. Around 4:30 I was dilated to an 8 and I decided I couldn't walk anymore. So I tried to relax in the bed for a while, but the pain was getting pretty bad so I decided to try getting in the tub because I had heard that the warm water helps take the pain away. I got in the tub and after a few contractions I realized that the water wasn't helping me and it was just making me more uncomfortable. So I got out and back into bed. I was ready for this baby to be here so they called my doctor down to break my water. As soon as my water was broken the contractions started getting really intense, but I also knew that I would start dilating a lot faster and it would be time to push soon. When my doctor broke my water she told me that he was facing up instead of down like he was supposed to so I would need to rotate and change positions so that we could hopefully get him to turn. I had this same problem when I was delivering Sage and it was miserable because I couldn't feel my legs so I wasn't able to turn on my own and she never did end up flipping which made for a hard delivery process. This time around though I was very mobile and I actually ended up standing up and swaying a little and he turned his head after that. The contractions were pretty painful and I was trying to find ways to deal with them. The nurse and doctor told me that if I needed to push through the contractions that it would be good to get some practice pushes in. My doctor had to run to the main desk to call down to her office and cancel the rest of her appointments for the day and while she was gone I was standing and swaying and pushing through contractions and I knew it was time. I told the nurse that he was coming and she started getting nervous because she didn't know if she could deliver him while I was standing up so we got me laid back down in the bed and my doctor hurried in. She came over to my head to ask how I was doing and I just said "are we almost done?" She said that within 15 minutes she thought we would have a baby. I looked up at the clock and it was 5:44 and I thought, OK I can do this. I heard her say "she's complete" and I swear those two words were music to my ears! I started pushing too much too fast so that I could get the pain over with. My doctor had to tell me to slow down so that I wouldn't tear. It was hard to slow down because I wanted the pain to be gone, but at the same time I didn't want to have to deal with the pain of recovery from tearing. So I took it slow and after a couple more pushes Kent Goldie Jaros was born at 5:47 P.M. I looked up at the clock and was amazed that instead of it being 15 minutes it ended up only being 3 minutes after she said we were almost done.
The moment Goldie was born a huge rush of emotion came over me. I was so in love with him and so amazed with myself. It was a magical moment that we shared after his birth. I instantly felt a strong connection to my baby boy. Something that I think every second time mom wonders if she could possibly feel again.
Chase and I hadn't completely solidified a name for him. We had a few ideas going around in our heads, but as soon as he was born we both kind of looked at each other and he said, "Kent Goldie" and I nodded in agreement. Kent Goldie is Chase's grandpa's name. He is a great man and someone we want our son to look up to and try to be like. Chase has always been really close to his grandpa and so we thought it was fitting. We call him Goldie instead of Kent, because that's also what Chase's grandpa went by when he was younger and growing up.
Having a baby is such a whirlwind of emotions. I swear I fall in love with him more and more everyday when I look at his cute chubby cheeks and his sweet smile I don't know what we ever did without him.
 One of my last pregnant pics.
 Kent Goldie Jaros 
5:47 PM
7 Lbs. 6 Oz.
20 In.
 Our family of 4
 My babies meeting for the first time
   Baby Kent Goldie and big Kent Goldie meeting

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I know I know...

     I know it's been way too long since I have updated here. I feel like the ease of instagram and the writing in Sage's books have replaced my blog life. Which isn't very good. I need to write on here just to get my thoughts out and to update on the whole family. I'm not going to try to catch up. But I do want to start from where we are now.
     We moved into our new house on July 17th. It's been the best thing that has happened for our family. The space is perfect. We love the location and our neighbors. And I can't begin to express the joys of being out of a rental. The decorating is a work in progress but I'm not in any big rush to get it done. We got the sod in the front yard laid this past weekend. We also planted a tree in the front yard. We are holding off on the backyard for now. We don't really have a vision for it yet.
     Sage is getting big and learning lots. She knows where her eyes, hands, ears, mouth, feet, nose, and belly button are. She says enough words that we understand what she wants most of the time. Which is super helpful. She loves when daddy comes home from work. She loves to be outside and explore. I can't believe how fast her 2nd year is going by. I feel like it is way faster than the first.
     We are excited for the fast approaching  hunting season. Chase is going to be really intense about it this year. He has a lot of motivation. He really cracks me up with his seriousness of hunting. But I'm glad he finds it fun.
     The company Chase works for has been busy moving into a new building here in town. They are excited for their expanding business.
     I'm still at Maurices a few days a week. It's good and keeps me busy. Sometimes busier than I like but busy at that.
     Hopefully it won't be so long 'til my next update.

We celebrated my grandma and grandpa Weaver's 50th Anniversary

Sage's 18 Months

Jaros Family pictures

Weaver Family Pictures


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Many Requests

I have had many requests for pictures of our new house. It's coming along very nicely and It's really so much fun to see the progress they make on it every couple of days.
We are so excited!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Breaking News!

They broke ground on our house! That's all! We are just plain excited!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Update Time...

I feel like it has literally been forever since I updated you all on what is happening in our lives. I know I have been posting a little about Sage but there have been other big changes going on besides her getting way too big way too fast. About a month or so ago Chase got offered a full time position as a Production Manager for a company here in town called Stahlei West. They build farming equiptment. So he has not been going over and doing horses in Minersville as much. It was a really hard change for him because he loved working with the horses and he loves Minersville but we knew that the new job was what was best for our family. He has worked with the company for a few years but he was only working part time and whenever he could fit it in between his horse job and school. He is still in school. It has been taking a while to get finished because he works so hard and loves working so school isn't his main focus. We are hoping to have him graduated by next may!
I got a part time job working as a Sales Associate at Maurices two or three days a week for a couple of hours. It's been really fun to learn the retail world. I enjoy working there and Sage likes hanging out with her grandma's a few hours a week.
Probably the biggest most exciting bit of news is that we are building a house! We hadn't really looked at houses much until recently when we found out that we would for sure be staying in Cedar because of Chase's new job. So we decided since we were staying here for sure we would like to have a home that is a little more permant for us. It's all offical most of the paperwork is done and we have picked all of our colors. We are just playing the waiting game now. The house will be done by the end of July and we can't wait to get in and get settled. And of course I am excited to start decorating a home that is actualy mine! Don't you worry your pretty little hearts I will be posting a lot of pictures.
Sage is still getting bigger and smarter every day! She never ceases to amaze me.
We can't wait for summer! The sunshine will be much appreciated!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

31536000 Seconds, 525949 Minutes, 8765.81 Hours, 365 Days, 52 Weeks, 12 Months, 1 Year

Happy birthday to my sweet baby Sage! She turned one on March 2nd. We had a very full day planned out. We got her pictures taken and had a party that night with the Jaros/Marshall clan. Sunday the festivities continued and we had a party at my mom's house for my family. I felt like we partied for days but boy was it fun. She goes to the Dr. tomorrow for her check up and to get shots so I don't have her stats yet. I can't believe how big and how smart she is getting. She says: Hi, Mom, Yum Yum, Uh Oh, No No No, and we think she says dad but it's hard to tell what she is saying. She loves cheese, fruit, and garlic bread. She's still pretty bald but she has enough hair to put a little curl on the top of her head. She's working hard on getting her molars but they haven't popped through yet. She loves to play and is so busy busy busy! Well here's some pictures for you to stare at while you admire her adorableness.

She burned her finger on the candle and then wanted nothing to do with the cupcake


Friday, January 18, 2013

10 Months

I know I am a little (a lot) late posting this. She's almost 11 months now. But better late than never right? Maybe not... I don't know. The thing is Sage is growing up so fast. I can't believe she's almost one! She sure is getting that toddler sense to her. She gets into everything. And she's even kind of got a little fiesty attitude about her. She's not really into sharing. She thinks everything is hers and doesn't understand why there are some things that she just can't have. We had to put locks on the cabnients and the drawers. Somehow she figured out how to still get into them. So she's pretty smart I would say. Let's see... she walks everywhere. She talks... she can say "hi", "yum yum", and "mooo". She knows her cow says "mooo" it's probably the cutest thing in the wole world. Well that and the fact that everytime she says "hi" she has her hand up to her ear like she's talking on the phone. Speaking of phones she is qutie the phone junkie. If she's not carrying around one of our phones she has her fake one that she loves. She's just a goer. There's really no other way to describe her. She loves to play chase me. And she knows when she's in trouble because she will do her best to walk or crawl away as fast as she can if she knows you're coming after her. She had her first case of the flu this month. That was sad. She was quite the trooper through the whole thing though. She really is such a good baby. She still doesn't really like to sleep very much. She's really good at taking naps. She just still wakes up a few times in the night because she wants to cuddle. Honestly it's wearing me out. But I don't know what to do about it cause I can't swallow the idea of letting her cry. Ok that's probably enough words. I'll let you look at some pictures now.
And I don't know why my computer is being dumb but this is the only picture that blogger will let me upload right now.