Thursday, September 29, 2011

The All Famous But Always Exciting "It's A..." Post

There's really no better way to say this than...
It's A...... GIRL!!!!
Yes! I get to paint toenails and buy bows and dresses and her daddy's even excited to have a little princess. When we were at the ultrasound the tech said everything looked so good! She was perfect.... but that she had never seen such a small bone structure. Our baby girl has teeny tiny little bones. I kind of laughed at this and wondered if she had looked at Chase at all when we came in. I was 5lbs. when I was born so teeny tiny is kind of what I had expected. The whole time we were getting pics of her she had her hands up right by her face. She did not want us to get a good shot of her face! She must be shy like her daddy already. Never wanting to be in the spotlight. I know you probably won't just adore and stare at these pics like I do but I thought I'd put some up just for the fun of it.

I know the 3D ones are creepy but I had to put it up to show all of you that I wasn't kidding about the hand thing. You can kind of see in the first couple ones her arm and hand up right next to her face, but in that last one it is like don't you dare look at me! And I think the little thumb you can see sticking out is adorable! None of these ones that I put up are the side where you can see her teeny little leg and arm bones but I guess if you're that into my pictures you can come by my house and I will show them to you haha.
We are so excited to welcome this little one into our house in a little less than 5 months! It's crazy to me how much her daddy and I already love her.  


  1. aw! kayla this almost made me cry. i'm so excited for you!!!!

  2. Kayla my girl.. I am just so excited for you to experience this. Best thing ever! Congrats my friend
