Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kick Kick Nudge Nudge

This past week I have started feeling our little baby girl move around inside of me. I feel her when I'm sitting and when I'm working and well just at different times throughout the day. It's such a fun feeling knowing that she's just having a good ol' time swimming around inside of me.
Saturday we went up to Spanish Fork with Chase's family for a baptism. We had a really fun time hanging out with everyone. His aunt is actually pregnant too. Just five weeks behind me so we had some good little chats. A bunch of the girls went into Provo after the baptism to get some shopping done. I tagged along and ended up buying some cute little baby bows! I decided that we are going to have a stocking for baby at Christmas so I can stuff it with bows and other little cute baby things that I love.
I'm getting so excited for the holiday season. It's coming so quick and I just can't wait for all that Thanksgivingness and Christmasness!!! It's our first Christmas being married and I'm so excited and nervous kind of to split time up between the two families but I think everything will work out. I'm also kind of nervous because in our tiny apartment there is NO room for a Christmas tree!!! I kind of had a little emotional pregnant lady break down a couple weeks ago because I don't know where we are going to put one. I guess we'll just figure it out. We'll just have to move some  stuff around. I don't care what we do though we are having a Christmas tree. 
Alright well I'm off to an all day shift at work. I'm looking forward to baby coming and not having to go to work just being able to stay home and be mommy and take care of her. But until then... I'm off!
P.S. Tomorrow I'll be 21 weeks! That means I'm more than half way! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. oh kayla.. how awesome for you! Such a fun time. I remember the crazy pregnant freak outs. Its okay.. it happens to the best of us. Its actually kinda nice to have something to blame the freak outs on.
