Friday, November 4, 2011

November Marks Month 6!!!

Our October ended with the rifle hunt. We had a good time with Chase's family out at deer camp. I got pretty sunburned the first day. It hurt and peeled but at the same time it kind of just felt good to know that I had been out in the sun. Chase didn't get a deer this year. He was kind of bummed out about it. But hopefully next year!
I have grown some in the past few weeks so I actually think I look pregnant now, not just fat. So that's good. Yesterday was the first day someone who I didn't know said something to me about being pregnant. I was at work and this family came in a dad, a mom, two three year olds and two babies. They had two sets of twins! I was amazed at how well they held it together. Their kids were very well behaved. The dad came up to pay after I waited on them and he asked me how far along I was. I was so shocked by his question because I'm not used to people who don't know me asking me questions about being pregnant that I stood there and said, "um... well... um..." and I literally had time to think in my head "crap, he probably is thinking that I'm not pregnant now..." before I finally answered 24 weeks. And I awkwardly participated in the rest of the converstation. I don't know why he threw me off so bad but I couldn't think straight after that. About an hour later, still at work, another lady came in with her husband. The lady told me that I looked so cute pregnant. Now that was two people who I didn't know who said something to me. Hopefully I learned my lesson from the first guy and I won't make any more conversations awkward. I don't know what it was. Because I know I look in the mirror and think oh yep there's my belly. But I don't know why I don't realize that it sticks out there for everyone to see.
I really do like being pregnant though. Feeling her move around inside me is so exciting. I have dreams about her a lot now. I'm curious to see how my dreams will compare to real life when she actually does come. I can't believe It's already November. Time is going by really fast. I'm really excited for the Holidays to come. And to be out of school.
Today marks one year since mine and Chase's first official date. And I don't think we've gone a day without each other since then. Wow, and look at us now. It's crazy what one year can do for you. Who would have known we would come this far this fast. I wouldn't change this past year for anything though. I don't know where I would be without him by my side. Oh the joys of love and family. Nothing is better.

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