Friday, November 18, 2011

top twelve

Today I was reading along about what my baby is up to at 26 weeks and I came across this top twelve list of things you miss most during pregnancy. I'll have to say that their top twelve and my top twelve do not line up exactly. So I have been thinking about it and decided to make my own top twelve right here where you all can see.

-My clothes that used to fit me!

-Not feeling like everyone is always staring at my belly

-Being able to remember things (I'm sorry if you ask me for parmesan for your pizza and I don't bring it to you, sometimes I don't even recolect you asking me for it in the first place.)

-My back never hurting

-My feet hardly ever hurting

-Not having a gag reflex every time I eat

-Sleeping straight through the night (I know, I know, I will never sleep straight through the night again...)

-Being able to stand up without being able to feel my hips seperating from my body

-Salads from PF. I used to really like them... not anymore.

-My patience tollerance level is not so high anymore.

Ok, so the pain is the part I don't like the most... can you tell? I'm a wimp. Labor is not going to be fun for me. I have a pain tollerance of like zero. And I was trying to get twelve things that I miss but I guess I don't miss twelve things. Not at this point anyway. Some people say it only gets harder after the 2nd trimester. Some say everything after the 1st is a piece of cake. So I guess we'll have to see what my take on it is.


  1. im already planning on making your little girl lots of cute little beanies :) pink, yellow, red, all the cute stuff.
