Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Whole Shebang!

Oh Christmas and New Years have come and gone again, and I have gone a very long time without blogging. We had a great holiday season. It was full of lots of family and tons of good food. We spent Christmas Eve in Minersville with the Marshall clan. We had a great pulled pork bbq dinner. The bbq sauce was sent from Chase's little brother who's on his mission in North Carolina. He sent a whole package of bbq sauces for his Christmas present to everyone. It was fun having some different flavors. All of the little kiddos who take piano lessons played their Christmas songs for everyone and we read the Christmas story. Grandma Marshall makes Christmas PJs for all of the little kids. They all looks so cute in their matching jammies. Chase and I headed home that night. Christmas morning we spent with just the two of us. The picture above is our tree on Christmas morning. We had a good time opening presents and spending time together. When we finished we went to my family's house for brunch. The traditional waffles with ice cream and syrup and bananas foster mmmmmmmmm. So yummy I wait every year for it. Especially this year with me having an extra love for food I enjoyed it even more. We had to rush back over to Minersville so we could be there in time for Chase's little brother to call. We had a great afternoon stuck around for a great Christmas dinner and then headed back to Cedar again for game night at Grandma's house. The whole weekend was great. I couldn't have asked for better family's to spend it with.
New Years was a little less exciting. Actually a lot less exciting. Chase and I both caught a cold and on New Years Eve we went to bed around ten and I think barley even realized that the year was a new one.
As for everything else... I'm getting rather impatient with the little one in my tummy. I know that she can't come quite yet but boy am I ready for her. I'm on my last couple weeks of work til' I'm done and that's kind of a strange feeling. I haven't been jobless for about 6 years. I know my time will fill up once the baby is born but until then it will be kind of odd not to think about work. I got a Wii Fit for Christmas and when I get on the scale my Wii girl gets fat and the game tells me that I'm overweight. Gotta love that. Anyway I think this post is long enough now that you all stopped really reading and started skimming or just skipped it all together. I wouldn't blame you. Maybe next time I'll try to blog in the middle of everything happening instead of trying to fit it all into one post. Oh well... I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We sure did!

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