Monday, December 3, 2012

Nine Months

Sage's nine month sats:
  Weight- 17 Lbs. 6 Oz. 30%
Height- 27 In. 34%
Head Circ.-17 In. 29%
She's just below average on everything. Which surprises me a little because I always think of her as a chunk, and she always looks tall to me. Anyway this month she has learned so much. I can't believe the new things she picks up on everyday. She loves to dance. Everytime there is music playing she's always doing her little head bob bouncy dance. She is getting more and more ticklish. Her feet, her armpits, and her tummy are the most ticklish spots. Her laugh is contaigous and she's alwyas making new friends. When we go anywhere people are always drawn to her. She started pulling her self up on everything and walks all around the furniture.That mirror in the second picture used to be her favorite thing in the whole house but a few days after that picture was taken she pulled it down and it broke. So now she doesn't get to look at herself all the time. She celebrated her first Thanksgiving. She loved eating her roll. It's hard to get a good picture of her these days because she is always moving but I love her anyway. I can't believe that in just 3 more months we will be having a birthday party. I can't believe how fast time flys. It just proves that you have to enjoy every minute.   

1 comment:

  1. She is defintely not below average in looks. She is beautiful. Mimi
