Friday, February 24, 2012

Due Date

Wow I gotta love getting to the end of a 40 week wait and the only thing I have to show for it is my buddah belly and an apartment full of unused baby gear. That's right folks my sweet baby has yet to show herself. It's just that I thought I would go early the whole time. Yeah I'll never set myself up for that again. Even my Dr. can't figure out why shy isn't here yet. She just keeps telling me that she thinks she will come soon and is suprised she hasn't come already. Yesterday she was pretty sure she would come this weekend... we'll see... I have a stubborn child. Dunno where she learned that from.... In all honesty my whole pregnancy I've been afraid she was going to be teeny tiny when she was born so maybe a little longer to bake will be good for her.
The thing is that with most big events that I look forward to there is a specific date that the event will take place. Like say my wedding, I knew exactly what day I was getting married so I had a specific day to look forward to. With pregnancy it's a total toss up. Yeah they give you a due date but obviously that didn't give me any promise.
Wow this might be a depressing post. I didn't mean for it to be. I just simply wanted to state the fact that today is my due date. I guess they can't let me be pregnant forever so she'll come either when she's ready or when the dr. says she can't be in there any longer. I really did want to have her over the weekend though. It would have been so nice to have Chase not have to worry about work or school and just hang out with us for a couple of days. I guess we'll just wait and see.

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