Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Loveingest Day

Today is the day of love. I told Chase he didn't have to get me anything. He did anyway though and I really can't complain... Look at these beauties.I like live flowers. They last so much longer than dead ones. And I think these are so pretty. They will be fun for the next little while. They have lots of little buds on them that haven't bloomed yet so I think they will be alive for a while. I also got chocolates but before I could get a picture of them my camera died so it just didn't happen.
No baby today I guess. Today was kind of my goal day. A little girl born on the pinkest most loveingest day of the year how could you beat that for cuteness? Yeah well she doesn't agree with me I guess.
I'm just playing it day by day now 10 days til' the due date. I just really don't want to go over. I'm getting really quite anxious. I just want to meet this little sweet baby that has been living inside me for the past 9 months.
I kind of have writers block lately. I'm sorry my posts have been quite spaced apart and probably rather boring. But I promise I will have a lot to write about soon.
Anyway happy Valentines Day to all of you! I hope you show someone how much you love them!