Friday, January 18, 2013

10 Months

I know I am a little (a lot) late posting this. She's almost 11 months now. But better late than never right? Maybe not... I don't know. The thing is Sage is growing up so fast. I can't believe she's almost one! She sure is getting that toddler sense to her. She gets into everything. And she's even kind of got a little fiesty attitude about her. She's not really into sharing. She thinks everything is hers and doesn't understand why there are some things that she just can't have. We had to put locks on the cabnients and the drawers. Somehow she figured out how to still get into them. So she's pretty smart I would say. Let's see... she walks everywhere. She talks... she can say "hi", "yum yum", and "mooo". She knows her cow says "mooo" it's probably the cutest thing in the wole world. Well that and the fact that everytime she says "hi" she has her hand up to her ear like she's talking on the phone. Speaking of phones she is qutie the phone junkie. If she's not carrying around one of our phones she has her fake one that she loves. She's just a goer. There's really no other way to describe her. She loves to play chase me. And she knows when she's in trouble because she will do her best to walk or crawl away as fast as she can if she knows you're coming after her. She had her first case of the flu this month. That was sad. She was quite the trooper through the whole thing though. She really is such a good baby. She still doesn't really like to sleep very much. She's really good at taking naps. She just still wakes up a few times in the night because she wants to cuddle. Honestly it's wearing me out. But I don't know what to do about it cause I can't swallow the idea of letting her cry. Ok that's probably enough words. I'll let you look at some pictures now.
And I don't know why my computer is being dumb but this is the only picture that blogger will let me upload right now.

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