Happy birthday to my sweet baby Sage! She turned one on March 2nd. We had a very full day planned out. We got her pictures taken and had a party that night with the Jaros/Marshall clan. Sunday the festivities continued and we had a party at my mom's house for my family. I felt like we partied for days but boy was it fun. She goes to the Dr. tomorrow for her check up and to get shots so I don't have her stats yet. I can't believe how big and how smart she is getting. She says: Hi, Mom, Yum Yum, Uh Oh, No No No, and we think she says dad but it's hard to tell what she is saying. She loves cheese, fruit, and garlic bread. She's still pretty bald but she has enough hair to put a little curl on the top of her head. She's working hard on getting her molars but they haven't popped through yet. She loves to play and is so busy busy busy! Well here's some pictures for you to stare at while you admire her adorableness.
She burned her finger on the candle and then wanted nothing to do with the cupcake
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